Dear Members, Friends and Supporters,
February was a very exciting month for the congregation. So many things happened. At times, so much was going on that some of us felt as if we were living in our community center! From our Siddur (prayerbook) Seder Ha-Tefillot:
Prayer for the congregation comes before prayer for oneself. (S)He who puts the needs of others before his/her own pleases God. (Josephus)
The Chuppa or Jewish wedding
is a joyous celebration.
On February 11, we shared in the happiness of our members, Rebecca and Rudi-David as they wed under the chuppa (wedding canopy) in our sanctuary. Every chair was occupied as Rabbi Shillor led the wedding service. We heard the seven blessings and the reading of the Ketuba (marriage contract) in Hebrew and German. The Kala (bride) glowed in her exquisite white satin beaded gown. The Chatan (groom) was so happy next to her. He was proud as he stomped the wedding glass in myriad shards. May they have as many years of happiness together. Mazel Tov!
After the wedding ceremony, Rabbi Shillor led Friday night services followed by a festive Oneg Shabbat buffet. The congregations music group, Shalom entertained as did the Duo Genrietta and Larissa. Dieter spoke a moving toast to the couple. The couple thanked everyone for sharing their special day with them, for the home-made goodies and the flowers and gifts.
Magazine Der Spiegel Visits Our Congregation
Journalist and photographer from Der Spiegel (similar to Time or Newsweek in the U.S.) visited our congregation. Many congregants were interviewed, and we look forward to the March issue.
JGH is 8 Years Old Annual Membership Meeting
As we write the monthly newsletter, these 2 important events have yet to occur. We will report on them in our April newsletter.
Membership Dues
Our dues are very low. Still, without them we cannot do many of the little extras we all so enjoy. Please make sure to pay your dues, The congregational treasurer awaits you every Wednesday morning at the community center.
We demonstrate against the Neo-Nazis in Hamlen
and (in lower photo) form a human wall
Neo-Nazi Meeting Prevented
(see In the News)
We thank all those individuals and organizations who took to the streets with our congregation to protest the planned Neo-Nazi meeting in Hameln. We are grateful to the Anti-Fascist League of Hameln-Pyrmont, the city council, the police of Hameln-Pyrmont, the youth representatives of the democratic parties, the churches, the Islamic congregation, the orthodox congregation, members of our Friends and the young people from Network Bünde. We were gratified to see so many people answer our call to attend a public meeting on February 10 and who stood with us, hand in hand in protest on February 12despite pouring rain. We all shouted a resounding NEIN to Nazis. We thank the local press, radio and TV stations for their coverage.
As our president, R. Dohme, said in her address at the rally, We all have many fears, worries and questions. Let us show solidarity against right-wing extremism so that we can all live in a democratic Germany, independent of race, religion or nationality.
Society for Christians and Jews
The Society of Christians and Jews will hold its annual membership meeting on March 7. We invite our members to attend this meeting. Our congregation and individual members of our congregation are members of the Society. The Societys Board, Mrs. Christa Bruns, Mr. Hans-Georg Spangenberger, Mrs. Rachel Dohme, Mr. Bernd Gelderblom and Mr. Heinz Engelhardt invite all to attend. Our president will give a report on our congregations activities and on the synagogue building project. In addition, our Rebekka Dohme will offer a short program of Jewish music.
March Holidays
The joyous holiday of Purim falls in March this year. On the 14th of Adar/March 25th rabbinical student Alina Treiger will lead Purim services.
We recall on Purim the story of how Queen Esther saved the Jews of Persia from annihilation. The book of Esther, Megillah Esther, is read, the children tell the story in a Purim Spiel, Hamentaschen (poppy seed cakes) are eaten, costumes are worn and small food gifts(Schlachmones) are prepared for the elderly and ill. Join us for the fun!
International Womens Day
International Womens Day is on Tuesday, March 8. We hope to greet each woman in our community with a rose and a glass of champagne as we all enjoy a few hours of poetry and music. Valerij Fridman and Alla Drejzer are planning the program and will be accompanied by Janna Vainberg on the piano.
Rabbi Shillors March Visit
Rabbi Shillor returns to us on Thurday, March 10 and 11. In addition to her regular schedule, she will lead an evening discussion with congregation members and guests from the Martin Luther Church. The topic is Liberal Judaism.
Rabbinical Student
Rabbinical student Alina Treiger is with us for the weekend of March 25–27. Please join us for Purim services on Friday and Saturday morning services on the 26.
Senior Camp
The Central Jewish Charities offers Senior Camp for members of our congregation. A schedule of dates is in the office. A two-week stay with room, board and Jewish programs costs Euro 250. In addition to the Euro 250, each participant must pay for their own transportation. Registration forms are available in the office.
New board of Young and Jewish Germany:
Lea, Benjamin, and Michelle
UPJ Youth Leader
UPJ Youth leader Adi Weichselbaum reports that a trip to Israel for camp counselors between the ages of 16 and 21 is being organized. Jewish organizations are making this wonderful opportunity possible. Thanks go to the Jewish Agency, Keren Hayseyod and Netzer Olami for their support. Mark your calendars! UPJ Summer camp July 28August 7. More info in next months newsletter.
We thank all those who contributed to our congregation or synagogue building project. May you be blessed for your generosity.
Todah Rabah Thank You
- Thank you to Rabbi Shillor for leading such a lovely wedding ceremony.
- Thank you Alla Drejzer for contributing books to our library.
- Thank you to all our volunteers who make our congregational life so full-
- Larissa, Maya, Inessa, Emma, Dieter, Rebecca, Rebekka, Inna, Orly, Volodymyr, Rudi,
- Josif and board members, Rachel, Polina, Matvey, Aron and Valerij.
Mazel Tov Congratulations
- Mazel Tov to Mr. And Mrs. Grogolinska on the 50th wedding anniversary. Thank you for the contribution to the congregation.
- Mazel Tov to Rebecca and Rudi-David Brückner on their wedding.
- Mazel Tov to Rabbi Professor Dr. Walter Jacob, president of Abraham Geiger Seminary in Potsdam and Senior Scholar of Rodef Shalom in Pittsburgh on being awarded the Israel Jacobson Prize. The Award is given every two years by the Union of Progressive Jews of Germany. The award ceremony will take place in Berlin on May 2, 2005.
March Birthdays
Happy birthday to all those enjoying birthdays in March. The birthday Kiddush will take place after services on March 25.
Refuah Schlama Get Well Wishes
Get well wishes to all those ill at home or in the hospital. Please let us know if you would like a member of the community or the rabbi to visit you.
Your Synagogue Board
Program for March 2005; AdarNisan 5765
March 1 Bus trip to Hannover: Anne Frank Exhibit
March 3 3 p.m. Hebrew for adults
Young and Jewish Jr. Hameln
4 p.m. Bnei Mitzvah class
March 7 3 p.m. Kinder Kehilla (Childrens group)
March 8 4 p.m. International Womens Day
March 10 11 a.m. Rabbis Table
1-4 p.m. Rabbis office hours
4 p.m. Bnei Mitzvah class
7:30 p.m. Lecture: Liberal Judaism
March 11 9-12 p.m. Rabbis office hours
2-4 p.m. Giyur class
5 p.m. Friday night services
March 15 4 p.m. Lecture(in Russian) Edith Piaf
March 17 11:30 a.m. Lecture: Israel
3 p.m. Hebrew for adults
Young and Jewish Jr. H a.m.eln
4 p.m. Bnei Mitzvah
March 20 2 p.m. Judaism class (in Russian)
March 21 3 p.m. Kinder Kehilla
March 25 3:30 p.m. Bnei Mitzvah class
5:00 p.m. Purim celebration
March 26 10 a.m. Saturday morning services
March 29 4 p.m. Russian Afternoon: art history lecture
Outside the Congregation
March 3 4 p.m. Outing to Paderborn Lecture: Christian-Jewish Dialogue
March 7 7:30 p.m. Annual membership meeting of the Society
for Christians and Jews
March 12 4 p.m. Piano concert
Archived Newsletters: