February 2006  •  Shevat–Adar 5766 •  Program
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Dear members and friends,
     The weather outside is grey and chilly but it’s warm and cozy in our synagogue. So, don’t stay at home—come and spend time with your friends and neighbors. Here is a list of our regular activities:

     Weekly: German class on Mondays at 10 a.m. with Mrs. Pelts, Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. with Mrs. Schlegel and Thursdays at 9:30 with Mr. Vogelhuber. Yoga class is on Mondays at 4:30 and Thursdays at 12.30 with Mrs. Lebedinska. Our music group “Shalom” practices on Tuesdays. The congregational library is open on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 to 12:30. Librarian is Mr. Pelts. Mr. Boykov’s Computer class is held Wednesdays at 12:00. Mr. Markhaseev offers a dance class on Wednesdays at 5 p.m.
     Twice a month we offer religious education for children and adults. The children’s class is Mondays at 3 p.m. with Mrs. Brückner. Ms. Kenig teaches the B’nai Mitzvah class Thursdays at 3 p.m., Young and Jewish Hameln Jr. at 4 p.m. and Hebrew for adults at 5 p.m. Every other Sunday, the conversion class meets with Mr. Vogelhuber.
     Monthly we have Russian Afternoon on Tuesdays at 4 p.m. This ongoing lecture in art history has a large following. Mrs.Olvovska and Mrs. Schapira are the organizers. Mr. Fridmann offers a video afternoon once a month. Saturday mornings, we study Torah together and Mr. Pesok explains Judaism in Russian on Sundays at 2 p.m.

     There’s so much to choose from—join us!

     Please don’t forget! Members are reminded to pay their annual dues. Our dues are set and affordable for all. We appreciate any addition contributions you can make. We also ask that members of the "Friends of the Jewish Congregation of Hameln" pay their annual dues.

February Holidays
     Tu B’Shevat, the 15th day of the Jewish month Schvat is the New Year of the Trees.
The traditional Tu B'Schvat Seder—modelled after the Pesach Seder—was established in the 16th century. During the Seder meal, we drink four cups of different colored wine and eat the first fruits of Israel—fruits, nuts and seeds. The holiday is not only a harvest festival but also symbolizes our connection to nature and reminds us to give thanks to God for the food the earth bears for us. We are partners with God and must do our share to care for the earth. Since the 19th century it has become a custom to plant a tree on Tu B’Shevat. Like all Jewish holidays, we begin the night before. We will celebrate with Rabbi Irit Shillor on Sunday, February 12, at 4 p.m. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Informational Meeting
     The room was filled with interested members at an informational meeting on January 18th. Topics were the two Jewish cemeteries in Hameln and new rules and regulations for FSU immigrants. A synopsis follows:
     Short history: Old Jewish cemetery re-opened in 1999 by our congregation. New Jewish cemetery dedicated in 2001 by our congregation.
     This was necessary because the administration of the old cemetery, the State Board of Jewish Congregations in Niedersachsen, raised the cost of a gravesite (only for our members) to 3,068 Euros. Many of our members live on a fixed income and cannot afford this. We did not wish to play politics with the deceased and so opened a new cemetery. Still, every Jewish person in Hameln can choose between the two cemeteries. We warned our members that choosing the old cemetery means that the family of the deceased will receive a hefty bill. We strongly protested the habit of poaching our members with the promise of a less-expensive burial. We find this a sinful practice, and it saddens us to see this happening in Hameln. Further discussion topics concerned what family members need to do when someone dies, the documents one should have readily available, the extra costs one need be aware of, rules for the setting of a stone, and responsibilities for keeping the graves clean and in order. We ask all members to write their wishes down on paper and leave a copy in the synagogue office. This will insure that personal wishes are respected and families are spared unnecessary stress.

Ritual Committee Established
     Ten members joined the newly formed ritual committee. The committee will meet once a month after Friday night services to discuss and plan services for the coming month. New members are welcome. Our next meeting will be February 17th after services.

Rachel’s Trip to Jerusalem
     Our president took part in a World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) Leadership Seminar in Jerusalem from January 5th to the 15th. The 10-day Beutel Leadership Seminar offered opportunities to study and learn with leaders and educators of the WUPJ as well as with lay leaders from 14 countries around the world. Participants came from the USA, Israel, England, Germany, France, Spain, Poland, Brazil, Costa Rica, Argentina, India, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. Besides attending daily and Sabbath services, lectures and workshops were offered. Outings in Israel’s finest museums and visits to two Reform Kibbuzim in the Negev completed the program. Rachel plans to offer a slide show of her trip on Wednesday, February 22nd, at 10 a.m.

Klezmer Concert with Giora Feidmann
     Giora Feidmann gave a concert on January 27th, National Holocaust Memorial Day in Hameln. Fifty of our members attended the evening event. During intermission we manned a benefit table and distributed our brochure ”A Synagogue for Hameln” and sold paperweights designed especially for our congregation. Concertgoers purchased the paperweights and the money raised went to our building fund. We thank everyone who contributed. Paperweights are available for purchase in the synagogue office.

Biennial Conference of the European Region of the World Union for Progressive Judaism
     The ER-WUPJ Biennial will be held in Hannover, Germany this March 16th to 19th. Registration forms and additional information is available at europeanregion.org. Day tickets are also available. The conference language will be English. WUPJ vice president Rabbi Joel Oseran will take part. A study group to Hameln will be offered on March 18th. R. Dohme will guide the international visitors through “Jewish Hameln” and conclude their visit with coffee and cake at our synagogue. They look forward to meeting our members.

Double Bat Mitzvah in March
     Our congregation is in store for a double “nachas.” Evelina Borischanska and Greta Golbereg will be called to the Toarh on Shabbat Teruma, Saturday, March 4, at 10 a.m. Rabbi Irit Shillor will lead services and we hope the entire congregation will turn out for this wonderful celebration.

     We extend our wishes of Mazel Tov and Kol haKavod to our newest member, Mr. Uwe Wolandowitsch, on his Gijur. Uwe was accepted as a member in our congregation on Friday, January 20, with special prayers, songs, speeches and gifts. We share his joy on becoming a member of the Jewish People.
     More happy news! Mazel Tov to Dr. Oleg Rubanov and his new bride, Anna, on their wedding. Mazel Tov to Mother, Rimma Rubanov. May the happy couple enjoy many years of married bliss in our congregation.

Todah Rabah — Thank You
     We wish to thank Mr. Hermann Meyer for the beautiful paperweights he and his high school students created for our fundraising purposes. We sold them at the Giora Feidmann concert and deposited the money in our building fund. We’re discussing additional projects with Mr. Meyer and are excited that he and his students want to support our community in this way.

Tree of Life
     Leaves can be ordered on our safe server by clicking Tree of Life. Leaves cost $54 (triple Chai) and the money raised brings us one step closer to our dream of our own synagogue. One hundred forty-seven leaves now adorn our tree.

     New leaves were donated from:

  • D. Vogelhuber: Mazel Tov Rebecca
  • M. Ovsievych: In memory of Mother and Father and grandparents
  • C.Whitelaw: In memory of Werner “Red” Spanier
  • A new leaf has been ordered from the Dohme family: In loving memory of Deniz Efe

Contributions to our Congregation and Synagogue Project
     We thank the Hameln Jusos and everyone who contributed at the Feidmann concert. Contributions were received from: D. Vogelhuber,M. Ovsievych, C. Whitelaw, R. Dohme, E. Pfeiffer, R. DeJong, E.Schlagmann, the Hainke family, G. Grimme, the Taube family and U. Gibas.

February Birthdays
     Happy birthday wishes go out to all who share a February birthday. A special birthday Kiddush will be held on Friday, February 17th.

Refuah Schlama — Get Well Wishes
     We wish all who are ill at home or in the hospital a speedy and complete recovery. If you wish a visit, contact Bikur Cholim chairperson, Mrs. Friedmann at 05151 13204.

February Yahrzeit — We remember:

     Anna Raik — February 12, 2000 — 6. Adar I 5760
     Vladimir Legkov — February 7, 2003 — 5. Adar I 5763

May their memory be for a blessing. The congregation will say Kaddish with their families at Friday night services. Yahrzeit candles are available in the office.

     —Your Synagogue Board

Program for February 2006  • Shevat–Adar 5766

Feb. 3     5 p.m.   Friday night services, R. Dohme
Feb. 6     3 p.m.   Religious school for children, R. Brückner
Feb. 9     3 p.m.   B’nei Mitzvah class, O. Kenig
           4 p.m.   “Young and Jewish Hameln Jr., O. Kenig
           5 p.m.   Hebrew class for adults, O. Kenig
Feb. 12   11 a.m.   B’nai Mitzvah class, Rabbi Shillor
           4 p.m.   Erev Tu BiSchvat Seder, Rabbi Shillor,
                    followed by Gijur class, Rabbi Shillor
Feb. 13   11 a.m.   “Rabbi’s Table”, Rabbi Shillor
Feb. 16   11 a.m.   Lecture: “Israel”, D. Vogelhuber
Feb. 17    5 p.m.   Friday night services, Rabbinical Student G. Lengyel,
                    followed by Ritual Committee meeting 
Feb. 20    3 p.m.   Religious school for children, R. Brückner
Feb. 21    4 p.m.   Russian poetry reading, V. Gin, 5 Euros
Feb. 22   10 a.m.   Slide show, ”Beutel Seminar 2006”, R. Dohme
Feb. 23    3 p.m.   B’nei Mitzvah class, O. Kenig
           4 p.m.   “Young and Jewish Hameln Jr., O. Kenig
           5 p.m.   Hebrew class for adults, O. Kenig 
Feb. 25   10 a.m.   Saturday Morning service, R.Dohme

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