Bat Mitzvah girls Evelina and Greta |
Dear members and friends,
As we look back, we savor the warm and happy feeling we shared at our beautiful Tu Bi Schvat Seder, led so well by Rabbi Irit Shillor. We celebrated the first blossoms and fruits in Israel, showing our connection to Eretz Yisrael. Each child was given a plant, a symbol for seeing them as our first fruits and assurance of future generations of Jewish life in Hamlin. We collected $100 for KKL and are pleased to know we have planted trees in Israel. The tables were laden with fruit, nuts, flowers, wine and juice as we prayed together. Once again, we had more congregants than space at the table! We see at each and every service how desperately we need to build our synagogue!
The spring month of March is here with the hopes of sunnier days. Our congregation will enjoy a bright day on March 4th on Shabbat Teruma as two young women, Evelina Boraschanska and Greta Golbereg, celebrate a double Bat Mitzvahcertainly a historic event in our small city! Both girls are daughters of Russian Jewish immigrant families. The young ladies have studied long and hard and look forward to leading services with Rabbi Shillor. Mark your calendar and celebrate these two young women.
LDor v Dorfrom generation to generation!
Please dont forget! Members are reminded to pay their annual dues. Our dues are set and affordable for all. We appreciate any additional contributions you can make. We also ask that members of the Friends of the Jewish Congregation of Hameln pay their annual dues.
March Holidays
March begins with a very special celebration in our congregation. Evelina and Greta become daughter of the law, receiving their first aliya and being recognized as religious adults in the community of Israel. Join Greta and Evelina and their families on this joyous occasion.
Our congregation will celebrate Purim on March 14/Adar 14 at 4:00 p.m. Please join us as we read the Book of Esther, drown out Hamans name with graggers, sing Purim songs and enjoy homemade Hamentaschen. We hope everyone will come in costume.
Rabbi Shillors Visits
We see how Rabbi Shillors visits help strengthen us as a religious community. How we wish we could afford to have her come more often. We are grateful to the European Region for their support, making four visits a year possible. Rabbi Shillor will be with us in March, May and June. She will lead services, teach our children, offer adult education and instruct conversion candidates. If requested, she is more than happy to visit the homebound. Appointments are also possiblejust call our office.
Pesach Orders
We will offer congregants the opportunity to order Matzah and wine from Israel. Please note the poster or call Ms. Pelts in the office.
Annual Membership Meeting
Our annual membership meeting will be held on Sunday, March 5 at 3:00 p.m. in our community center. All members have received an invitation by mail as prescribed in our constitution. We hope everyone will turn out for this important meeting. We have elections this year. We will begin the meeting with a toast of LChaim as we celebrate the ninth year of the Jewish Congregation of Hamlin.
Ritual Committee Established
Ten members have formed the ritual committee. The committee meets once a month after Friday night services to discuss and plan services for the coming month. New members are welcome. Our next meeting will be March 31st after services.
Biennial Conference of the European Region
of the World Union for Progressive Judaism
The ER-WUPJ Biennial will be held in Hanover, Germany this March 16 to 19. Registration forms and additional information is available at www.europeanregion.org. Day tickets are also available. The conference language will be English. WUPJ vice president Rabbi Joel Oseran will take part. A study group to Hamlin will be offered on March 18. R. Dohme will guide the international visitors through Jewish Hamlin after having met our members for an informal Tea and Talk in our community center at 3:00 p.m. They look forward to meeting our members. In addition, we are pleased to report that Rabbi Joel Oseran will visit our congregation on Wednesday, March 22 at 11:00 a.m. and would like to meet as many of our members and Friends as possible. By making this extra visit to Hamlin, Rabbi Oseran and the WUPJ underline their belief that the work we are doing in Hamlin is important.
A one-day workshop will be held at the Liberal Synagogue of Hannover for young immigrants who wish to hone their job interviewing skills. Please contact Ms. Pelts in the office if you are interested. Cost is 10 Euros.
International Womens Day
Our community will celebrate International Womens Day. The women of the community will be honored with flowers, sweets and music. Mr. Dmitri Blank will offer a musical program. Valerij Friedmann has organized the afternoon.
New Integration Course
Dieter will offer a new course beginning on March 16. The topic is Citizenship.
Mazel Tov
We hope everyone has noticed the beautiful portrait of a rabbi (a striking resemblance to Leo Baeck) hanging in our sanctuary. Take a moment and notice the minute detail of this beautiful piece. The artwork was created and donated by the artist Evgenij Jevdokimov. How fortunate we are to have such a talented artist among us!
A very special Todah Rabah goes out to Rudi David Brückner for the countless hours he has spent creating our youth center room. This bright room now serves as a classroom for our children and youth as well as other groups. We delight in seeing the childrens artwork on the walls, showing what they are learning with teachers Rebecca and Orly.
We also thank Dieter Vogelhuber for the intensive work he has dedicated to making our synagogue safe. Together with Katarina Seidlers help, we have now installed outside lighting, video cameras and a buzzer system. Please be aware that the inconvenience is worth the safety.
Tree of Life
Leaves can be ordered on our safe server by going to Tree of Life. Leaves cost $54 (triple Chai), and the money raised brings us one step closer to our dream of our own synagogue. One hundred fifty-two leaves now adorn our tree.
New leaves can be seen from:
- Dohme family: In loving memory of Deniz Efe
New leaves have been ordered by:
- Mark Schwartz: In memory of Anrea Bronfmann; and In memory of Johannes Rau
- Emma Lebedinska: In memory of the Temnik Family, Anna, Wadim and Lew
- Uwe Wolandowitsch: Chajim, December 19, 2005
Contributions to our Congregation and Synagogue Project
We thank the Dr. Oleg and Mrs. Rubanov, Mrs. Rubanova, Mrs. Dohme, Mrs. Stücke,
Mrs. Dories, Mrs. von Twistern, Mrs. Cramer, Mrs. Lango, Mr. Herlinger, Mrs. Niemand, Mr. and Mrs. Dvortsis, Mrs. Lybich, Mrs. Lebedinska, Mr. Schwartz, the Hanser Family, Mr. Wolandowitsch and Mrs.Gibas. A very special thanks to Pastor Garbe who asked for contributions for our synagogue project instead of gifts on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. He and his guests raised 700 Euros. May all the contributors be blessed for their generosity.
March Birthdays
Happy birthday wishes go out to all who share a March birthday. A special birthday Kiddush will be held on Friday, March 31st.
Refuah Schlama Get Well Wishes
We wish all who are ill at home or in the hospital a speedy and complete recovery. If you wish a visit, contact Bikur Cholim chairperson, Mrs. Friedmann at 05151 13204.
March Yahrzeit We remember:
Riva Slavinska 18.03.2005/ 18. Adar II 5765
May her memory be for a blessing.
The congregation will say Kaddish with the family at Friday night services. Yahrzeit candles are available in the office.
Program for March 2006 AdarNissan 5766
March 2 4 p.m. Bnei Mitzvah class, Rabbi Shillor
March 3 4 p.m. Bnei Mitzvah class, Rabbi Shillor
March 4 12 p.m. Double Bat Mitzvah
Evelina Boraschanska and Greta Golbereg
March 5 3 p.m. Annual membership meeting
March 6 3 p.m. Religious school for children, R. Brückner
March 7 10:30 a.m. Integration seminar in Hanover
March 8 4 p.m. International Womens Day concert: D. Blank
March 9 3:30 p.m. Young and Jewish Hamlin Jr., O. Kenig
5 p.m. Hebrew class for adults, O. Kenig
March 12 12 noon Congregation Work Day
March 13 10 a.m. Hamantaschen Bake-off, P. Pelts
March 14 4 p.m. Congregational Purim celebration
March 1619 European Region of the WUPJ Biennial, Hanover
March 16 11 a.m. Lecture: Israel, D. Vogelhuber
2:30 p.m. Integration Course: Citizenship D. Vogelhuber
March 17 5 p.m. Friday night services, D.Vogelhuber & V. Pesok
March 18 3 p.m. International visitors from the ER-WUPJ conference
Tea and Talk, followed by a walking tour
of Jewish Hamlin
March 19 2 p.m. Judaism, a course in Russian, V. Pesok
March 20 3 p.m. Religious school for children, R. Brückner
March 22 11 a.m. Rabbi Joel Oseran, vice president of the WUPJ
Tea and Talk
March 23 3:30 p.m. Young and Jewish Hamlin Jr., O. Kenig
5 p.m. Hebrew class for adults, O. Kenig
March 28 4 p.m. Russian Afternoon art history
with M. Olvovska & L. Shapira
March 29 7 p.m. Annual membership meeting Society of
Christians and Jews, Münster Church
March 31 5 p.m. Friday night services, rabbinical Student G. Lengyel,
followed by Ritual Committee meeting
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